Lions Mane

In the Haida language, Gwaii (they prefer Gwaay) means islandsHaanas means beautiful and K’ is the word for a jellyfish with tentacles.

Gwaii Haanas is the short version for Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve covering the islands and waters and Haida villages in the southern area of Haida Gwaii, which was formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. From a kayak using his GoPro, Magellan photographed the Lion’s Mane jellyfish in Anna Inlet, the Moon jellies in Island Bay.

Gwaii Haanas Medusas

Haanas K’

Haanas K’

Haanas K’


You can discover more Haida words via the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program (SHIP) at SHIP XAAYDA KIL GLOSSARY.

And you’ll definitely hear more from us about Ocean Light II, the way for jubilados (or anyone) to see Gwaii Haanas.

14 Responses

  1. Many species are struggling. The “harvesting” of sea otters in the late 1800s exterminated the species in Haida Gwaii. They were a natural predator for the urchins, which when left unchecked, will wipe out kelp beds, the natural habitat for many species.

    In 2013 and 2014, the sea star wasting disease wiped out 90 to 95% of the sea star population. They are a predator of mussels, and also as released in a recent thesis, of juvenile urchins. It’s unknown if ocean warming has caused the virus causing the wasting disease to be more toxic.

    The marine conservation areas that have been established around Haida Gwaii are critical to protect marine life from the prevalent over-fishing, including destructive bottom-trawling.

  2. Spectacular, many thanks. The music is awesome too!
    Jellyfish would make interesting examples of aliens for science fiction movies. We saw lots of those little blue jellyfish in Cuba, but weren’t allowed to swim with them, haha.
    How has the ocean temperature and acidity changed in the last decades there? How are species adapting?

    1. Gwaii Haanas is amazing with its 138 islands, 1600 kilometres of coastline, 42 freshwater lakes, some of the largest trees on earth and unique wildlife and plants.

    1. I love the gracefulness of jellyfish as they move in time with the breath of the ocean, in…out, their tentacles unfurling like ribbons from an upside-down umbrella.

  3. Do you know if the boat used to belong to Graham Kerr? Looks a lot like her and is lovely…What a great experience you two have added to our lives, thanks, Heather

    1. The Ocean Light II was built in 1971 in England and has 14 Atlantic crossings to her credit. Ocean Light II Adventures bought the boat in 1997 and completely refurbished it to very high standards. Jenn Broom is the owner of Ocean Light II Adventures.

  4. Nature can be so beautiful and you have captured the essence in spades.
    Very awesome and a place on my bucket list for sure.
    “My Thanks” for sharing your tour.

    1. You would love it. We camped for 11 days in some beautiful spots. There aren’t many designated camping areas but surprisingly, none were more than half full.

    1. The water was remarkably clear with underwater visibility of 50 feet. The dynamics and beauty of the air, water and land of Haida Gwaii are well-expressed in the motion and colours of the many medusas.

      And if Spice were to write another poem we do have more video of anemones, urchins, crabs and snails!

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