On Latitude 65’s Ninth Anniversary: Nine People who Gave us New Latitudes
What do we write for our ninth anniversary of blogging? We asked you, our readers, for ideas. And when none were suggested in our Comments
What do we write for our ninth anniversary of blogging? We asked you, our readers, for ideas. And when none were suggested in our Comments
Your First Clue: “Secluded charm” describes where we are, a small town with a rich history. 2. There is no road access to this coastal
Can you imagine what it was like for the first expedition team to summit Mount Mckinley (now called Denali), 110 years ago on June 7,
Ginny Hill Wood, co-founder of Camp Denali, offers some sage advice in her autobiography: Take your temperature of the well-being of your life. If you
Without question, Camp Denali is one of the best experiences of our lives, irreducible to a single blog. After our three-day stay we wrote something
A freakin’ awful slog of a hike. Shoot me! 20.2 km. 7¼ hours. Elephantine fingers (for both of us.) K rated it a 2.5, me
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