Do you know what’s wonderful about sitting down to write a story about some place we’ve travelled? The waves of memories that roll in. And low tide when they don’t, which leads to long conversations when I ask Magellan, “What happened after we left …?” And the quirky stuff we discover when researching a story, like the famous botanist behind the name Hooker Track in New Zealand. But most of all, it’s your comments that stoke our energy for this encompassing, weekly endeavour.
So, to thank you, our readers, we’ve complied a list of the ten blogs that garnered the most (public) comments from you.
#10/9/8/7: A Four-Way Tie
ten comments each
Wow! What a beach. Love the music choreography! Margie
Thanks for the travel guide recommendation. Too many others have lost the valuable personal perspective. KJ (He is referring to Scott Cook’s NZ Frenzy guidebooks.)

Loved the story of the ermitaño lady. Life is full of wonderful adventures and surprises. So glad you shared this one. Marsha

Thank you for sharing snapshots of your family’s Christmases past and present.
So can feel your chilly journeys over iced Saskatchewan roads. Pat
I remember your frozen faces that Christmas driving in your diesel. I think my most vivid traditions were celebrating Xmas dinner at Grandma Danchuk’s …..not the presents but the meal and family.
And One special Christmas morning when we three elder sisters received gorgeous dresses from Grandpa MacLeod. I still have visions of them.
I listened to “the Shepherd.” It’s been ages since I’ve listened to an audiobook. Mom would like that.
We’re still practicing the Norweigan Xmas eve tradition of lutefisk, lefse and apple pie. Not sure how many more years as verns mom is 99. Maybe Kamlyn will continue with it! Margie
Ah yes “Christmas”, a time for memories and best of all, a time to see the eyes of the little ones, may their smiles grace our lives well into the future.
Awesome story that has awakened “The Spirit” in us all, regardless of your nationality or religious beliefs, celebrating your Canadian Heritage is paramount in uniting us all.
“Our Best to Everyone and their families, be Safe”. Believe.
Ho Ho Ho

Looks like a beautiful day. The picture captures a special moment with the bride and groom. The poem says it all. Diane
This reads like a gorgeous wedding haiku, so simple but so evocative. Christine
#5: A Two-Way Tie
eleven comments each

Wow – who would have even considered going that far to such a remote place….great story and insight into a place almost no one has heard of. Plus posting this at 6 AM your time…….Pat & Dallas
Inspiring post! Do you know what they mean by “Fogo Island’s seven seasons”? Myrna

This is a worrisome tale. Avpr1a is a major mediator of anxiogenesis in males, it is not in females. This suggests inadequate caution in Magellan and significant stress in Spice. Fortunately, I should be saying in Mickey and Minnie since the effect applies mainly in mice. As for me, I had to pour a small scotch somewhere around Blue River, in order to finish the story. Phil
I love this post. It’s funny and those monster truck adventures can only be absolutely true. Rock on AVPR1! Teresa
#4 Cycling Through Life
twelve comments

What a beautiful, simple, succinct poem. Thank you for the introduction.
A beautiful reminder of a similar first bike ride experience with our Jenny. Happy Birthday Lynn! Liz
# 3 I’m a Pilot
fourteen comments

Just further to Pat’s comments regarding sources of power for your drone…
I have a toy steam engine, that I got when I was six years old, that I could lease to you on a (very reasonable and attractive) cents per revolution basis. You could use any number of petroleum products to fire it..
As another engineer and farmer I could throw in help with the design and set-up..
Might take a while, but I’m sure we could get it to work…
Wadda ya say?? Wade
With almost a hundred years of engineering experience between us it shouldn’t be too hard to get it recertified? But could we design it to use wood pellets? I’d prefer it to be rated as green-steam! Magellan’s reply
Wood pellets is a great idea. Not only from the ecological viewpoint but also it has a greater weight advantage over coal or Bunker C vs. Batteries..
If you really thing we should pursue this We could put you in touch withSheryl’s cousin in Piteo Sweden; who has a computer controlled wood chip hopper and feeding system on his burner that heats all his dairy barns as well as his two houses on his farm. You might even want to take a detour and check it out when you are in Norway. Wade’s comeback
#2 Possessions
seventeen comments

Ah such a great piece you did this week. Your mom is one in a million. Made me cry reading, remembering and wishing things were easier for mom. Yes, I can relate to the cleaning of the house saga…The hours that were spent going thru things at moms house before and after she died. I too, stated I would be better at not buying so much stuff, getting rid of stuff, but I am with your mom, the hardest is the many stories. Love to you all and good for you all to help her into the next phase of her life. Hugs to you all. Heather
A beautiful tribute to your mother . You have captured Maxine’s essence in a magical way– from the heart. Thank you for sharing this tender moment with us. Glynn
I truly enjoyed hearing about your amazing Mom. Reminded me of my Mom packing up and moving to a Seniors residence in Calgary. Your family were blessed to have her in your life all these years. Arlene
Sure glad I had a box of tissues handy… a most touching tribute to an amazing woman and her wonderful life and family. We feel blessed to have known her and spent a little time with her over the decades! Lynn & Bill
Very precious piece, should be published more widely!
After clearing my Mom’s place when she died, I began a bit with ours. It sure helps to have digital books and photos, but not for all of them haha.
I even have something from my grandmother passed from her father. Alex McMahon bought this stock saddle in 1904 from Chicago. It came to SK with them and 30 horses in 1911 when they moved from South Dakota. Six generations have used it. I wish it could talk. Its scents tell some stories. Elaine
#1 For Alice: Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Thanks
eighteen comments

Wonderful blog, great memories of an incredible lady and family. Judy
So the cooking gene was nurtured early Gloria. Christmas is all about nostalgia for me. Every year as I patiently roll the lefse dough I picture my Dad standing over my shoulder, telling me how my grandmother told him it had to be thin enough to see through. If I see the shadow of my hand through it is that thin enough I wonder? I can see him with a dish towel thrown over his shoulder and flour everywhere. I think he and my grandmother would be proud of how it turned out this year. Karen
Loved reading this memory of a wonderful Grandma (deserving of a capital G)! Carolyn
Gloria, finally I think I know what it is in polish, pierozki.
Small pierogi.
Beautiful post like always. The pictures with Christmas tree like from my album from Poland Thank you, merry Christmas. Jola
The queen of The Danchuk household, her domain was the kitchen, and there was never a doubt about that.
The scene never changed year to year, similar to an ant hill, as Alice was either delivering the current dish or working on the next, non stop food and service, always with a smile.
Hospitality was non stop and the day, week, month hour made no difference to Danchuk’s, when the door opened into her kitchen, you were greeted by a smile and the aroma of the latest baked goods filling the air.
Love the pictures and the people within, brings back a most awesome set of memories from the “Way Back” machine. Perfect.
The video is the best Christmas Present ever. Barry
Look at the patterns of which blogs attract the most comments: family stories (no surprise), poetry (shocking but gratifying isn’t it?) and Christmas (a gentler season when you make time to share your thoughts)…
Now for the prize. Aa special mention to nanogenarian Glynn for her many private and shared comments. For contributing the most public comments to our 200 blogs (Mark, you too could be a winner if you posted publicly instead of privately), Spice’s cousin Barry MacLeod is awarded his own emoji!

9 Responses
Now we’ve got to help you link that avatar to your comments…
Wow my own avatar, and it’s a beauty. I do not wear a kilt often but the avatar is a definite true rendition of my family right down to the MacLeod Tartan, regalia and my once red beard that has mysteriously turned to white, in preparation for Xmas, no doubt.
I am honoured by the award.
My words are not always on target, but the ability to comment and assist others is the means to my method.
I have travelled many many places within your blog and “Thank You” for sharing the beauty, “Happy Trails to All”.
Wow 200th!!!
Well its about time I send send a comment.
A big congrats!
You both amaze me you are both an inspiration for us all.
Much Love Kiky
Thought of you two last night as we ate a foraged fireweed salad at a First Nations fishcamp at Glenora. watch for it on our next dinner menu.
We do recall a 45th Anniversary dinner in Seville in September 2014 (BTB – “before the blog”). I have a great picture of Gloria holding a beautiful flower presented by to her by 2 Spanish couples driving a Mercedes by our table in the alley. So 5 years later you guys will celebrate “the big one in Norway!”. Absolutely have loved reading and sharing some of these experiences with U2. Amazing stuff…All the best for the next 50 – Pat & Dallas
Anniversary dinners in Spain, the best.
enjoyed this one very much
TY for being a frequent poster.
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