Fundación Casa Wabi
On a dirt road west of the Mexican surfer town of Puerto Escondido on the South Pacific, you wouldn’t expect to find (and be able
On a dirt road west of the Mexican surfer town of Puerto Escondido on the South Pacific, you wouldn’t expect to find (and be able
This year, the art world went on a high fiber diet. Abstract weavings, knotted sculptures, expressive basketry, shaggy wall hangings: all are coming out of
Seasons Greetings everyone! It may seem unusual to be posting the last of three blogs about the Venice Biennale instead of something more Christmassy. Then
Was this year’s biennale good? Was it crowded? How much time do you need to see it? Questions we asked before we went, questions people
In November, with our friends Kiky and David, we went to Venice for the 60th Arte Biennale, considered the Olympics of the art world, something
Don’t take our word for it. Beginning in 1935, German-born Josef Albers, colour theorist and one of the most influential twentieth-century artists and teachers, travelled
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