A Mixed Bouquet of Poems for World Poetry Day 2021
Who are the poets whose verse helps you feel and see more deeply into the experience of life? Or do you prefer poetry that’s foggily
Who are the poets whose verse helps you feel and see more deeply into the experience of life? Or do you prefer poetry that’s foggily
Latitude65 is the age of a kindergartener, equally headstrong and having just as much fun.
Today, St Patrick’s Day, is our daughter Lynn’s birthday. Not wanting to embarrass her with some sappy tribute, we’re turning the words over to one
I’ve always said that I won the lottery when it came to my parents. My mom was just 20 when she had me towards the
Where else but Norway have roads become cultural destinations? What other country would embark on a thirty-year plan to build scenic roads to amplify natural
Wrong Turns Kansai Airport to Mountain-Top Koyasan weary of tunnels,in the Fukuchiin Templewe sleep near the monks Koyasan’s Okunoin, Japan’s Largest Cemetery graveyard night tourFukuchiin
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