McLean Falls
What is it about waterfalls? Rushing over cliffs. Free-falling. Misting the air. A ceaseless torrent of everlasting hurry that ends, quietly, in placid tranquillity in
What is it about waterfalls? Rushing over cliffs. Free-falling. Misting the air. A ceaseless torrent of everlasting hurry that ends, quietly, in placid tranquillity in
Someone asked me what I thought about while driving during our 79-day road trip this spring. Not much. But travelling through Wyoming, I was reminded
In Bhutan in the back seat of a Santa Fe SUV, our bodies gently swayed from side to side, kneaded by road bumps. “Massage roads,”
Although we followed Namgyel’s guidance and arrived early to get to a good seat at the country’s largest and most popular cultural festival, throngs of
Once upon a time long ago when the land was owned by the king, the church and the aristocracy and the Danes ruled Norway, a
When I was writing this, a winter storm warning had been issued for Vancouver. The sky was the colour of skim milk and the air
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