O-sa-KA! O(h) we’d like to return. A realization we came to while there. Japan’s culinary capital, the country’s rebel, Osaka is an exclamation of colour,
O-sa-KA! O(h) we’d like to return. A realization we came to while there. Japan’s culinary capital, the country’s rebel, Osaka is an exclamation of colour,
I knew that Sunday, as we parked the car overlooking a hay field in the lush green of the Basque countryside and walked by a
“For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters, caution and prudence? Fall in! Fall in!”Mary Oliver It was mid morning but
“Let’s go check out the party,” Magellan said to Karol, Gail and me on a Saturday afternoon in Oaxaca, a brass band, firecrackers and happy
January 5 is National Bird Day around the globe, a time to appreciate the diversity and beauty of birds, recognize their ecological value and draw
A traveller’s nightmare. 1990. Bari, Italy. A guy with a knife slits the strap on my “man-purse.” Jumps onto the back of a motorbike. Disappears
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